Jane Palmer: videos

May 2023, Jane Palmer & Friends Open House

May 2023, Jane Palmer & Friends Open House: Meet the artists

May 2022, Jane Palmer & Friends Open House

Winter 2021, Jane’s online Open House

June 2021, our post-lockdown Open House!

Jane does ‘Portrait Artist of the Week’ (November/December 2020)

Jane took up the weekly Sky Arts challenge to paint a celebrity sitter from Facebook live streams. See how she got on here.

Artist and her muse (October 2020)

Jane and Brighton model Priss Nash ponder the special relationship between artist and muse in this short video, showing a portrait taking shape in Jane’s studio over the course of a day.

May 2020: the open house that couldn’t open

Here Jane talks about what visitors would have seen in our planned open house, and about what she’s been doing in her studio during the lockdown.

Six artists at the Regency Town House

Jane’s work was on show in the magnificent Regency Town House in Hove in November/December 2019.

Interview with Jane

by Jan Burgess of SOL Design Collective: about painting portraits and winning AOH’s Artist of the Year award in 2019:

Jane Palmer & Friends open house May 2019

If you missed Jane’s first Open House in May 2019, or would like a reminder of what you saw there, play the video.

Meet the artists, May 2019

Meet Jane and the other artists who took part in our first Open House in May 2019, and see them at work.

Jane drawing a portrait:

A documentary researched and presented by Jane

telling the surprising story of the 20th century Eastbourne artist Margaret Benecke, who was a granddaughter of the composer Felix Mendelssohn: